Unlock your business growth

Replace bank debt and final markdowns with provisional sales to Lukaki's customer segments

Inefficient Process

Founding Inventory and Marketing

Capital Sources: Profit Reserves or Bank Debt

New Product Launch

Sell at the original price on your sales channels

Final Markdowns/Outlet

Discounts of up to 60%


Founding Inventory and Marketing

Sell on Lukaki with special conditions:

  • Shipping in 1,2,3... months (as you choose) and subject to the unit being available on the shipping date. But if you have sold it, the customer will get compensation.
  • Backing up to 50% of the full price

Who do you sell to in Lukaki?

  • Brand Browsers: They have little interest in the product because they are willing to wait months when there is only a 20% (average) chance of getting it. Users who visit your store but don’t buy or only buy in sales/outlet.
  • Bounty Hunters: They have little interest in the product because they prioritize compensation.

New Product Launch

Sell at the original price on your sales channels

Shipping Surplus Stock

Send surplus stock to Lukaki buyers on the chosen date